Bonuses are a way for organizations, participating in Give to the Max Day, to win additional money for their cause. Many of the bonuses can be won by donors for an organization of their choice. Please look below at the bonuses to see if there is one you could win for an organization.
Grand Prizes

Most Dollars Raised
How to Win: The organization that raises the most amount of money during Give to the Max Day will win the bonus. Help your organization raise the most! First place - $6,000 | Second place - $4,000 | Third place - $2,000

Largest Number of Gifts
How to Win: This bonus is awarded to the organization that has the most gifts on Give to the Max Day. First place - $6,000 | Second place - $4,000 | Third place - $2,000
All-Day Bonuses

12AM to 8PM
How to Win: Every hour between 12AM and 8PM an organization will be selected to win $1,000!

8PM to 12AM
How to Win: One organization will be selected to win $1,000 between 8PM and 12AM!
Social media bonuses

How to Win: Make a social post using #UMNGive for a chance to win.

New Follower
How to Win: Follow @UMNGive for the first time on Instagram, Twitter(, or Facebook for a chance to win a bonus.
Bonus gifts

First donation of the day
How to Win: Be the first to make a donation on Give to The Max Day to win this bonus.

Around the world
How to Win: Be the donor to donate the farthest away from Minnesota to win this bonus.

First time donor
How to Win: A first time donor will be selected to win this bonus.

Recurring gift
How to Win: One donor who sets up a recurring gift will win this bonus.

Alumni prize
How to Win: An alumni who graduated last year will win this bonus.

Last donation of the day
How to Win: This bonus is awarded to the last donation of the day.